1928 Kingdom of Bulgaria 7.5% Loan – 2,500 Francs


Kingdom of Bulgaria
Stabilization loan 7 1/2% 1928
issued under the auspices of the League of Nations
Obligation of 2,500 Francs

Uncancelled & with coupons

7 in stock


Royaume de Bulgarie
Emprunt de Stabilisation 7 1/2% 1928
émis sous les auspices de la Société des Nations
Obligation de 2,500 Francs

Кралство България
Стабилизиращ заем 7 1/2% 1928
издаден под егидата на Обществото на народите
Задължение от 2,500 франка

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The item shipped may be with other serial number than presented.